Monday, May 28, 2012

Animals from my Travels

The Galapagos Islands

Yes, out of all of the lovely and wonderful photos of beaches, sea lions, sea turtles, islands, and the pacific, this was my favorite photo from the Galapagos.  He was such an angry little tortoise!

So Angry!

Capetown, South Africa

I don't even think this needs an explanation.  I will, however, say our guide had just finished telling us how the ostriches on this farm were fairly docile, when this fairly psychotic ostrich ran over and bit him.

Oh Yeah?!

Chobe, Botswana

I swear they were all facing me before I got my camera out.

Elephant Butts

Shark Diving in Shark Alley - Gansbaai, South Africa

Fear.  The only word I can use to describe when the same Great White swims by you 10 different times with that creepy smirk.  I'm not just a piece of meat I'll have you know. 

Fish are our friends!

 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

My poor camel friend here had to be muzzled (with a fantastic knitted beanie) because he kept spitting on everyone.
Say it, don't spray it.

I was trying to take a nice photo of a shark swimming by, when this sting-ray decided he should be the focal point.

Look at me, look at me.


This was the most cooperative the lion cubs got on our lion "walk" in Zimbabwe.